Ectomorph Gain Muscle Without Weights

Ectomorph Gain Muscle Without Weights (Mindset About Muscle Building):


To Build Quality Muscle You Need to Apply and Understand the Following Principles:

1. Don't Blame your genetics you will never see any progress if you blame your genetics

2. Your health depends on your lifestyle includes your nutrition, your sleeping habits, time, money, and your workout routine.

3. If you start taking action to change your lifestyle you will start to see progress.

4. If your an hard-gainer or ectomorph and need to gain muscle without weights then you will need to start paying attention to your nutrition and sleeping habits most of the hard gainer don't see results because of their diets.

5. You need to start measuring your calories. It is critical for your body. If it doesn't get the right amount of calories you will not grow.

6. You also need to measure the Macro nutrients i.e Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats 
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7. Getting 8 Hours of sleep is crucial for your body to grow.

8. Drinking enough water is essential for your body to grow at least 8 glasses of water a day is good enough.

9. Last but not least measure your results and progress.Very important for your muscle-building success.